

ID: 11410
Geschrieben am: Freitag 18.03.1881

March 18th 81

My dear Lady Thompson
you so kindly invited me for a Dinner Party, but I must trust to your kindness and beg you will excuse me if I do not accept. I feel so tired after Dinner-Parties that I must give up to accept more than I already did. I must spare |2| all my strength for the concerts.
I think you, dearest Lady Thompson, will understand, that in my age it wants great care of my health, and you will be persuaded that only duty could make me give up the pleasure of being with you an evening.
Believe me, dear Lady |3| Thompson yours very affectionate
Clara Schumann.

  Absender: Schumann, Clara, geb Wieck, Clara (3179)
  Absendeort: London
  Empfänger: Thompson, Kate, geb. Loder (1584)

  Standort/Quelle:*) D-DÜhh, s: 84.5069 D
*) Die Auflösung der Kürzel für Bibliotheken und
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