Frankf. a/M Octbr: 6th 84.
My dear Lady Thompson
accept my warmest thanks for your kind letter – how friendshiply it is from you, that you never forget my birthday – you have [?] to think of so many!
How glad I was to hear, that you enjoyed your summer – that will give you knew |2| strenght for the winter, where you so kindly cares for other’s, who are so happy to enjoy your favour. I might tell you so much about yourself, but my english is too bad!
We enjoyed also the summer, only on the beginning we were not very well – Marie suffered much on her leg, and I on my Face but now we are much better, and have begun our work with all fresh spirit.
This year I come again to ask your kindneß for |3| one of my pupils, Miss Marie Fromm, who is playing at the pop on Nov: 24th. May I give her a card for you? We were so happy to find a Lady to stay whit her, Miss Grist, an english very nice person, who liked Miss Fromm so much, that she offered herself for compagnion; she was here, living with an-other pupil of mine, and so they made acquaintance. I would be glad for Miss Fromm, if she could give some lessons, to gain a little as she has nothing, but she shall |4| not give lessons for leß than 15 Shilling.
Now, my dear, kind friend, take my thanks for all what you did for me and so many of my “protégès”.
Kindest regards to you and your dear family, and all good wishes for you from
yours very affectionate
Clara Schumann.
My daughters begs me to give theyr kindest regards to you all.